Virtual Coaching and Mentorship Workshop for SAVE The Children Project

Country Networks implementing the SAVE the Children Project on Civil Society Strengthening attended a virtual coaching and mentorship workshop facilitated by Taku Mhlanga on the 30th of May 2024. The workshop which was designed in line with INERELA+ capacity building plans covered important aspects of advocacy and effective communications through social media platforms. INERELA+ engaged Mazvita Communications a subsidiary of the Mayittah group to develop and add value to INERELA+ communication and media advocacy messages for the larger targeted Africa and international audience including key stakeholders involved with INERELA+ work and funders. Mazvita Communications are specialists in Digital transformation, and they assist us by customizing INERELA+ and Country Networks key messages that we post on our social media platforms.  Mazvita Communications also leverage their large social media following to amplify these messages to a larger and key audience in the development sector. Given this approach, our Country Networks under SAVE the Children Civil Society Strengthening Project through the capacity building plans attended a virtual coaching and mentorship workshop on the effective ways of communicating using social media platforms. The facilitator, besides highlighting the importance of social media in communication, visibility, messaging, and effective ways of communicating, went on to conduct practical reviewing Country Network Facebooks in order to meet organizational standards. This included the critical analysis of the visuals and quality (pictures, videos, animations) that our Country Networks upload on the platforms with the message to the targeted audience. The facilitator strongly emphasized the need for Country Networks to fully utilize the functionalities provided for on Facebook value adding their communication.

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