Millions of girls are at risk of child, early, and forced marriage and unions (CEFMU), which are abuses of human rights and forms of gender-based violence. INERELA+ has a history of investing in gender equality efforts and preventing gender-based violence through its Country Networks, as well as supporting women’s and girls’ human rights. On the 14th of October 2023, INERELA Zambia trained two religious leaders, two young people, and one duty barrier on Child rights, CEFMU and GBV. The main aim of the training was to strengthen the capacity of religious leaders and young to respond to CEFMU, and GBV against children as it relates to their human rights. While focusing on religious leaders as key catalysts for social change, INERELA+ also included young people of faith communities to equip them with tools to deepen their awareness and understanding of GBV, CEFMU, and Children’s rights.
The training was facilitated by Gershom Kapalaula, INERELA+ Zambia, Country Coordinator, an experienced facilitator with a deeper understanding and knowledge of children’s rights, GBV, and CEFMU. The training made use of the INERELA+ SHRH handbook and SAVE toolkit. The training participants were already engaged in some type of GBV and/or human rights effort but had not attended training on the issues that specifically deal with children’s rights and CEFMU. The participants—have reported increased knowledge of the issues and an improved capacity and desire to take action to address the issues with their communities, schools, and congregations. At the end of the training, Sheik Alex Masamba, a Muslim religious leader who works closely with children in the Mtendere community in the Madalasa- a school for children found at the Mosque said: “over 200 children and the parents will benefit from the knowledge that I gained from this training”. Abigail Mumba, a youth champion, indicated that she will use the knowledge gained from the training to increase engagements and raise awareness on CEFMU, addressing children’s rights, and GBV at school. Schools like churches are seen as important institutions that provide a critical platform for gender socialization, where attitudes towards oneself and others are formed and reinforced.