From the 27th to the 29th of August, INERELA+, represented by the MEAL Advisor joined seven (7) other partners under SAVE the Children Civil Society Strengthening Programme to participate in a Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) training workshop which was facilitated by the Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative (REPSSI). This training workshop was a continuation of an MHPSS mainstreaming workshop which was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in October 2023. The training workshop was conducted under two specific objectives i.e.:
- To introduce the participants to the concept of MHPSS advocacy.
- To build the capacity of participants in MHPSS advocacy planning, advocacy methods, and skills.
To achieve these objectives participants were engaged by REPSSI through presentations, scenario building, and practical simulations on how as partners can effectively advocate for MHPSS nationally, regionally, and internationally. The engagements were expected to result in:
- Increased knowledge and enhanced skills in MHPSS advocacy.
- MHPSS advocacy plans were developed for implementation in the ESA region.
After thorough coaching, and presentations on how to advocate, participants as part of individual assignments produced Advocacy plans reflecting on their organization’s implementation of MHPSS. Going forward partners and REPSSI will utilize the advocacy plans by working with the government led Technical Working Groups on MHPSS Advocacy processes in Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Zimbabwe to increase children’s access to MHPSS services within Child Protection Programmes.