Hands Off Project Capacity Strengthening Workshop for INERELA+ Country Networks

On the 30th of April 2024, four INERELA+ Country Networks (Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, and Mozambique) that are implementing the Hand-Off project participated in a virtual workshop on capacity strengthening in line with Capacity Building Plans. The workshop was facilitated by Natasha Ntini, A Gender and Policy Advocacy Specialist from the Southern African Parliamentary Support Trust (SAPST). The training workshop was conducted in line with an internal Organisational Capacity Assessment (OCA) conducted by INERELA+ Secretariat to evaluate Country Networks’ strengths and weaknesses in programming, governance, operations, institutional capacity and how they relate to external stakeholders. The workshop titled Legislative and Policy Advocacy in Parliament focused on how Country Networks can improve their approach to advocacy of sex workers’ rights, fight against abuse of sex workers, push for decriminalisation of sex work through parliament and the need to hold authorities accountable on sex workers rights violations, especially the law enforcement agencies. Country Networks were made to understand parliament and how parliament operate or how policies are adopted, signed, and amended through the three arms of parliament which are the Executive, Judicial and the Legislature. The facilitator provoked discussion on the best practices when Country Networks approach parliamentarians, parliamentary committees and other stakeholders on policy advocacy, policy issues and policy amendments.  The facilitator also coached the participants on how Country Networks can strengthen their relationship with Members of Parliament in their constituencies through an MOU. The a need to develop an informative and effective MOU that convinces parliamentarians to take up advocacy matters with their committees in parliament. Previously Country Networks were not aware that before conducting any advocacy or engaging parliament on key issues affecting sex workers, there was need to always carry out a context analysis particularly a Political & Economic Analysis (PEA); Always building or gathering strong evidence before engagement; Keeping eyes on the calendar and the legislative agenda; Strengthening the partnership through an MOU. Country Networks acknowledged that the workshop challenged them to introspect on their approaches and the need to further engage SAPST on developing MOUs that are effective in convincing the legislative arm to take up Sex workers’ rights and matters seriously.

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